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How to add photo to your article at TripsPoint

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How to add photo to your article at TripsPoint

How to add photo to your article at TripsPoint

Here' simple illustrated instruction explaining how to add photos from your computer to an article you are writing in TripsPoint submission form. First of all - we highly recommend using the Chrome browser to submit articles to TripsPoint. With other browsers, you may experience problems uploading photos to the article between the text sections.

1. Start to write your article and click 'Enter' if you wish to add a photo in the new line after exact part of the text:

Adding photo to your article at TripsPoint

2. Click on the Image Icon in the editor:

Adding photo to your article at TripsPoint3. Click on the 'Upload' tab in the window:

Adding photo to your article at TripsPoint

4. Then click 'Choose File' button:Adding a photo to your article at TripsPoint5. Next, choose a photo you wish to add to your article:

Adding a photo to your article at TripsPoint6. Then click the button 'Send it to the Server':

Adding a photo to your article at TripsPoint7. In the next window you DON'T change the photo size, etc - system will adjust it automatically. The only thing you have to do here is to describe in the 'Alternative Text' field what is showed on your photo:

Adding a photo to your article at TripsPoint8. Here you have example of Alternative Text described:

Adding a photo to your article at TripsPoint9. Next, click green button 'OK':

Adding a photo to your article at TripsPoint10. Your photo is added now to your article. You can continue writing article and add your next photos to illustrate your article nicely.

Adding a photo to your article at TripsPoint

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