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Affiliate Partner FAQ
Who can be Affiliate Partner?

Anyone can join TripsPoint Affiliate Program and become Affiliate Partner.

The only condition to be Affiliate Partner is that you own a travel related blog or website with own domain (subdomains are not accepted).

What's 'travel related' blog or website I must own to be Affiliate Partner?

A travel related blog or website is literally any website or blog with own domain which is somehow related to one of following:

- Travel in general.

- Travel destinations.

- Tours or activities, things to do.

- Hotels.

- Holiday accommodations.

- Services for travellers.

- Bookings for travellers.

- Travel agency blog or website.

- Any other blog or website somehow related to travel, tourism and services for travellers.

If you own this kind of travel related website or blog with own domain, you can join our Affiliate Program and earn your commissions from every booking at TripsPoint generated by visitors driven from your blog or website.

How do I become TripsPoint Affiliate Partner with my website or blog?

Joining TripsPoint Affiliate Program and earning money as Affiliate Partner with your travel related website or blog is extremely easy. To earn money with your website or blog Affiliate Partner, please, do following:

1. Sign-Up creating your user account at TripsPoint.com or Log-In, if you already registered user.

2. After you logged in to TripsPoint.com, please, scroll to the footer and in the right corner of the footer in the section 'BECOME AFFILIATE PARTNER' click Affiliate Partner Sign-Up - then complete and send your Affiliate Partner simple registration form.

3. Once you registered, we will review and activate your Affiliate Partner account. You will get e-mail notification about your Affiliate Partner account activation.

4. After your Affiliate Partner activated, please, Log-In to your account at TripsPoint and click on your account nickname on the upper right corner of the website - it will take you to your account.

5. In your account menu on the left, please, click on 'Affiliate Partner Centre' and:

- Go to 'Dashboard' to see your visitors, bookings and earnings statistics.

- Go to 'Account Setup' to change your details and to set your preferred payout method - the method how do you wish to receive your earnings, by PayPal or to your bank account.

- Go to 'Links' section to search and copy codes of links to publish on your website or blog. For deep linking, please, search for links by 'Destination', 'Category', 'Tour & Activities' or 'Special Links' to search a link by a keyword.

- Go to 'Banners' section to choose and copy banner codes to publish a banner on your website or blog.

- Go to 'Affiliate's Sites' if you own and want to add more than one of your websites or blogs - here you can also see statistics for each of your websites or blogs separately.

6. Publish Links or/and Banners in your website or blog. You can publish it on the main page, in footer, in sidebar or in articles - in a place where you believe it's correct and will drive you more visitors clicking on published link or/and banner.

7. From this moment your website or blog is starting earning money for you. Each visitor that came to TripsPoint.com by clicking on our link or banner at your website is tied to you for 30 days! We track the visitor activity and, if the visitor will do booking at TripsPoint along these 30 days, you are automatically getting commission from each visitor's booking (from each amount the visitor has paid for the booking).

8. Time to time check your 'Dashboard' with statistics - you can see your earnings here.

9. Once your earnings reached equivalent of 100 Eur, you can receive you money on your PayPal or bank account. You can get your earnings extremely easy with one click on the button 'Request Payout' in your Dashboard.

What commission I earn as Affiliate Partner?

Our Affiliate Partners earning straightforward and flat 55% commission on revenue (on the amount paid by customer), generated by visitors from their websites.

In example, if a visitor came from your website or blog where our link or banner is placed and along the next 30 days made a booking for a 100.00 Eur, then you earn commission of 55.00 Eur.

That makes TripsPoint Affiliate Program really different from other affiliate programs in the travel industry where competitors advertising a 50% commission, but they're setting very high minimal sales level per month to get these 50%, so usually you're getting something between 10-20%. Moreover, sometimes your earnings burning, if you didn't reached a minimal sales level in some period. Things are positively different at TripsPoint:

- You are getting simple and flat 55% commission - no matter what's your sales level.

- You can earn and accummulate your commission unlimited period of time until you reach 100.00 Eur to get payout.

- Visitors from your website or blog are tracked for 30 days and not just for a single session, so if a visitor make a booking within these 30 days after click on our link or banner, you will get your commission.

- We use the most advanced tracking system not requiring adding an ID to the link or code, it because we identify a visitor from your website or blog by domain, and not by tracking ID, so our links and banners are looking as a normal and natural links and not an affiliate links with ID. That not just makes it more natural for your website visitors, but also rises your conversion rate.

*Sometimes there's higher commission of 65%, if you registered with a Special Invitation Code issued by our Affiliate Partner Network administrator, if the administrator believe our link or banner must be placed at your webste or blog.

How do I add links to my website or blog?

To add affiliate link to your travel related website or blog:

1. Decide where, on which page, do you wish to add a link and open in your your HTML code editor the page from your website or blog (or open the post or page to edit, if your page is the WordPress website or blog).

2. Log-In to TripsPoint.com and click on your account nickname on the upper right corner of the website - it will take you to your account.

3. In your account menu on the left, please, click on 'Affiliate Partner Centre' and then go to 'Links' section to search and copy codes of links to publish on your website or blog. You will be offered the most popular recommended links.

At the same time the basic rile of choosing right link is simple - as more suitable and relevant the link to your website or the article context as higher your conversion rates will be and more bookings you will get and consequently you will earn more. We call it 'deep linking' - means the links you publish are very suitable and relevant to the website, blog or article context! For deep linking, please, search for links by 'Destination', 'Category', 'Tour & Activities' or 'Special Links' to search a link by a keyword:

- To get Destination Links, please, click the 'Destination' button under the most popular links and then choose a country, then city and 'Search' button - it will show you link to the exact travel Destination page. Then simply click 'Copy Link Code' button be the chosen link.

- To get Category Links, please, click the 'Category' button under the most popular links - it will show you links to the all TrisPoint main categories. Choose the right one you wish to get text link for and then simply click 'Copy Link Code' button be the chosen link.

- To get an exact Tour or Activity Link, please, click the 'Tour & Activity' button under the most popular links and then choose a Country, City, Category of a tour or activity and 'Search' button - it will show you links to all the tours at the exact travel destination page within selected category. Then simply click 'Copy Link Code' button be the chosen link.

- To get Islands Links, please, click the 'Islands' button under the most popular links - it will show you specific destination links to the islands where our tours and activties are presented and bookable. Island destination pages are special pages created for some islands - these links are not searchable within Destination Links, but you can take it here. Choose the right one you wish to get text link for and then simply click 'Copy Link Code' button be the chosen link.

- To get a Special Links, please, click the 'Special Links' button under the most popular links, then in the searchbox write a keyword for a link and click 'Search' button - it will show you all the links containing your keyword. Then simply click 'Copy Link Code' button be the chosen link.

4. Paste copied link inside of your page or article and publish.

5. From this moment your website or blog is starting earning money for you. Each visitor that came to TripsPoint.com by clicking on our link or banner at your website is tied to you for 30 days! We track the visitor activity and, if the visitor will do booking at TripsPoint along these 30 days, you are automatically getting commission from each visitor's booking (from each amount the visitor has paid for the booking).

How do I add banners to my website or blog?

To add TripsPoint banner to your travel related website or blog:

1. Decide where, on which page, do you wish to add a banner and open in your your HTML code editor the page from your website or blog (or open the post or page to edit, if your page is the WordPress website or blog).

2. Log-In to TripsPoint.com and click on your account nickname on the upper right corner of the website - it will take you to your account.

3. In your account menu on the left, please, click on 'Affiliate Partner Centre' and then go to 'Banners' section to search and copy banner code to publish on your website or blog. You will be offered 12 the most banner sizes.

4. Paste copied banner code inside of your page or article, in sidebar, in the header or in the footer and publish.

5. From this moment your website or blog is starting earning money for you. Each visitor that came to TripsPoint.com by clicking on our banner at your website is tied to you for 30 days! We track the visitor activity and, if the visitor will do booking at TripsPoint along these 30 days, you are automatically getting commission from each visitor's booking (from each amount the visitor has paid for the booking).

How my visitors are identified and tracked without my affiliate ID in the links and banners?

The visitor referred through TripsPoint affiliate link or banner is recognized by the most advanced and safe method known as direct tracking. With the direct tracking HTTP_Referer information sent by the browser. It is the address of the page (if any) which referred the browser to the destination page. Briefly, when a visitor clicks a link on or banner on the affiliate’s page, the HTTP_Referer will be the URL address of affiliate’s page.

Our system will then check this page in our affiliate partner database to identify if the page belongs to an affiliate, and it will then assign that person the referral (and click) starting tracking the visitor for 30 days period.

This method is browser dependent, so it is reliable 90-99% of the time. All modern browsers send this information, and with the advantages mentioned below you are absolutely safe placing affiliate links at your website or blog.

Benefits of the direct tracking method:

- Visitors won’t know they are clicking on an affiliate link. Many people are not so keen on clicking a link that they recognize as an affiliate link, because it shows AID (affiliate ID code). If you use this kind of affiliate links iwith affiliate ID in URL of your blog or website, visitors will know that you earn commissions, if they click these links, so they will be more skeptical of clicking on a link. If you'll use TripsPoint links and banners with our advanced direct tracking method, no one will know that the links are affiliate links, it looks as absolutely natural link.

- Visitors will not damage or remove the affiliate ID parameters from the URL. There are people who don't like to purchase through affiliate links, even if there are no disadvantages to them. Those people would rather copy the URL to their browser and remove the affiliate ID parameters. Using our direct tracking method, you don't need to worry about that, because there's simply nothing to remove.

Can I add my Facebook or Twitter page as Affiliate Website?

No, the system wouldn't accept subdomains or folders and always count the root domain. It means you must own your domain like 'somedomain.com', but not like 'blog.somedomain.com' or 'somedomain.com/blog'.

It is very important you are domain owner and you are able to confirm that by adding owner verification code to your website, if it required!

How do I check my earnings and my actual account balance?

To check how much you earn and your actual Affiliate Partner account balance:

1. Log-In to TripsPoint.com and click on your account nickname on the upper right corner of the website - it will take you to your account.

2. In your account menu on the left, please, click on 'Affiliate Partner Centre' and then go to 'Dashboard' section to see your earnings - actual account balance, number of visitors generated by links and banners published at your websites. If you own and added a few websites where you've published links and/or banners, then click also 'Affiliate sites' to see statistics for each website separately.

Can I change the anchor text in the link?

Yes, it is possible, especially if you need to have the taxt more adjusted to your article context.

An example how to change anchor text in the link:

1. You are looking for a link about hiking tours in Tenerife. Then you go to the "Links' section in the 'Affiliate Partner Centre' in your account and click 'Tour & Activities'. Then choose a country (Spain), City (Costa Adeje) and Category (Trekking & Hiking Tours) and click 'Search' button to show available links.

2. Choose a link and click the button 'Copy Link Code' - in example this one Teide Light hiking tour in Tenerife. The link will look at your website or blog like Teide Light hiking tour in Tenerife.

3. If you wish to change the anchor text, in example to 'Hiking Mount Teide in Tenerife' then simply change the anchor text in the copied code: Hiking Mount Teide in Tenerife, so then your link will be looking like Hiking Mount Teide in Tenerife.

I own many websites. How many of them can I add to my Affiliate Partner account?

There are no limits. You can add as many websites or blogs as you wish. The only conditions are:

- All the added websites are travel related.

- You are owner of these websites.

How do I add my another website or blog to my Affiliate Partner account?

To add another website or blog you own to your Affiliate Partner account, follow the next steps:

1. Be sure you are owner of a new website or blog and it's travel related.

2. Log-In to TripsPoint.com and click on your account nickname on the upper right corner of the website - it will take you to your account.

3. In your account menu on the left, please, click on 'Affiliate Partner Centre' and then go to 'Affiliate sites' section - here you will see the list of your websites or blogs associated with your Affiliate Partner account. At the end of the list you will see the botton 'Add New Affiliated Website'.

4. Open new website in a new window or tab of your browser and copy the website URL.

5. Click the button 'Add New Affiliated Website' and paste the copied URL as it is and click 'Add'.

That's it - from this moment you can add links and banners at your new website will be tracked and this website will be associated with your account.

Can I add my friend's or partners's website as one of my affiliate websites?

You can add it, if you manage a website behalf of your friend or partner, but you will have to prove the website ownership with uploading one of following required documents in 'Affiliate Websites' section:

- Domain Ownership Certificate.

- Receipt of the Domain Registration.

- Receipt of the Domain Renewal.

What's the minimal payout amount?

Minimal payout amout is 100.00 EUR.

That means you can ask to transfer your earnings to your PayPal or Bank account once your earnings reached the sum of 100.00 EUR or more.

How do I withdraw money from my Affiliate Partner account?

Once your earnings reache minimal amout of 100.00 EUR required to be able request payout you can easily withdraw all your money by clicking 'Request Payout' in your Affiliate Partner Centre Dashboard.

In your Account Settings you can choose one of 2 ways of withrawal:

- Your PayPal account.

- Your Bank account.

If you haven't confirmed your websites ownership before withdrawal, the system will ask you to confirm your ownership firstly.

How do I confirm my website or blog ownership?

To confirm you are owner of your website's or blog's domain, please, go to 'Affiliate Websites' section in your 'Affiliate Partner Centre' and then on the list of your websites ckick the button 'Confirm Ownership' (for each domain separately). Then upload one of following documents in '.PDF' or '.JPG' format confirming the domain ownership:

- Domain Ownership Certificate.

- Receipt of the Domain Registration.

- Receipt of the Domain Renewal.

A document could be a '.PDF' document (like e-mail receipt) or a screenshot image in '.JPG' format.

What amount do I withdraw from my Affiliate Partner account?

Your withdrawal amount is the current balance of your account under condition there are at least 100.00 EUR or more.

Here are 3 examples that help you to understand clearly what amount do you can withdraw from your Affiliate Partner account.

EXAMPLE A - minimal amount isn't reached.

For example, your actual balance is 47.54 EUR.

In this case minimal required amount of 100.00 EUR is not reached and you have to wait until your website/s will earn at least 100.00 EUR to withdraw your earnings.

EXAMPLE B - minimal amount is reached.

For example, your acual balance is excatly 100.00 EUR.

In this case minimal required amount of 100.00 EUR is reached and you can withdraw your earnings from Affiliate Partner account to your PayPal or Bank account.

In this case the payout amount will be 100.00 Eur.

EXAMPLE C - account balance is higher than minimal required.

For example, your acual balance is 1846.00 EUR.

In this case minimal required amount of 100.00 EUR is reached and you can withdraw your earnings from Affiliate Partner account to your PayPal or Bank account.

In this case the payout amount will be 1846.00 Eur.

Rules are simple:

1. Your Affiliate Partner account balance must reach at least required minimum of 100.00 EUR.

2. When you requesting payout, you are geting paid with full amount you have on your Affiliate Partner account - you cannot withdraw less or more money than your Affiliate Partner account balance.

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