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Transfer: Riviera Pacífica


Transfer: Riviera Pacifica, consist on a transfer ride to beach area directly from Tocumen Airport. Playa Blanca, Decameron, Riu Playa Blanca and Buenaventura are among the destinations. Anton Valley and other towns are also included.


  • Private Service
Transfer: Riviera Pacífica


Transfer: Riviera Pacífica

Riviera Pacifica is located over 100km west to Panama City. A popular destination among those who want sun, sand and see. In this service we drive you to the area whatever the destination be: from a well known resort to any of the lodgings located around.

If you and yours decide to stay on Playa Blanca, Decameron, Bijao, Anton Valley, Riu Playa Blanca, Buenaventura or nearby just let us know, we look forward to welcoming you once you arrive in the country.

What's included

  • Inclusions:
  • Transportation


  1. Visited Places:
  2. Parador Fotográfico | Riviera Pacífica

Transfer time depends on time and conditions of the day. It can be a long trip if your plane lands during rush hour. A driver will be waiting for you at he airport with a sign.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does the Transfer: Riviera Pacífica take?

Transfer: Riviera Pacífica duration is 2 hours, 30 minutes.

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How many days in advance I must book Transfer: Riviera Pacífica?

You can book Transfer: Riviera Pacífica at least in 3 days. Check availability calendar in "Book Now" form to see currently available dates.

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